Friday, September 24, 2010

Best I can do for an update

I have no time presently to spew forth words from the depths of my mind. But here's a fantastic poem... It stirred me.

We are the music-makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.

With wonderful deathless ditties
We build up the world's great cities,
And out of a fabulous story
We fashion an empire's glory:
One man with a dream, at pleasure,
Shall go forth and conquer a crown;
And three with a new song's measure
Can trample an empire down.

We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of the earth,
Built Nineveh with our sighing,
And Babel itself with our mirth;
And o'erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world's worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth. - Arthur O'Shaughnessy

Saturday, February 13, 2010


It's the end-all philosophy... The intellectual deus ex machina... Known to all, understood by none... Mysterious but completely indiscreet... And potentially one of the most powerful psychological weapon known to man...

Ready for this?

It's humor.

The almighty sound of laughter...

The highest of all social graces. One who has a firm grasp on the keys to laughter, has the power to subversively dominate any social situation, and in an entertainment worshiping society such as ours, this gives him the power to rule.

Precious few philosopher's have ever even touched on the subject. No one really knows exactly why we laugh, we just do.

But humor is not a joking matter. We can use it defensively, by hiding behind it, or offensively, by using it to attack others. It's like a bulldozer of ideas. It's blunt, tactless and completely unstoppable. To a logical train of thought, it's the intellectual equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Turned to as a last resort, when reason itself has ceased to provide an adequate defense. It has the capacity to grind the most sophisticated ideas down to nothing... and there is nothing that is impervious to it's reach. Nothing is beyond it's skill to manipulate and contort. It has the power to turn the most beautiful, innocent thing into something vile and atrocious. Likewise it can shroud something truly vile behind a cloak of innocent, lighthearted fun.


However humor's ability to level ideas can just as easily be turned to good use, not surprising when one considers that the vast majority of ideas that people have, are bad ones. As a general rule humans are impossibly silly and downright stupid most of the time... Yet from the ashes of human stupidity rises something beautiful in the form of satire.

Satire is a force that can existentially turn reality on it's head. We call it making light of something. In the realm of philosophy, you could classify it as Negation. Negation is a concept far too complex to get into here. Sufficing to say, negation is to deny the existence of something, and it is foundational to Nihilism, Existentialism, Absurdism, Buddhism, Taoism and various other schools of thought...

Maybe humor is a philosophy unto itself.

If that's true, it certainly is a philosophy for the cynics and the absurdists. After all, it's only the absurdity of life that makes humor possible. The funniest jokes are always those which tap into the sheer irony of human existence. And perhaps life is so absurd, so fraught with paradox and incongruencies, that humor truly is the greatest of all philosophies...

That's why I laugh when I read Ecclesiastes, or Nietzsche... The madness of it all... Vanity and chasing after the wind. The illogical nature of logic.


"Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense." -Watchmen

I don't much care for my random crazy train's of thought to have morals to them, but here's one: Don't fall into the popular deception that humor is a magical all-excusing social justification to say or do anything... It's more often used as a pillow that you hold over the gun barrel to muffle the sound as you pull the trigger...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Two largely unconnected ideas...

Idea 1.

If I ever get a cat I'm going to name it Schrodinger...

The cat's name will be a way for me to ascertain how nerdy a person is, by whether or not they laugh when I tell them the cat's name.

But for the rest of you. This wiki article will give you a preliminary idea as to what I'm talking about... It will also provide you with the knowledge necessary for contending with those nerdy people when they're having their nerdy conversations about things that you don't even want to know about because you have a life.

So here I go...

It occurs to me that this idea of quantum mechanics, which no one, (least of all me) really understands, may provide us with some evidence for the existence of God.
If the cat in the box is truly both dead and alive until the moment of observation, then it seems that the universe must exist under similar conditions, only collapsing into a state of being when an observer makes that quantum measurement.

If the argument can be made that being necessitates conscious awareness, then the Universe could not have come into existence without first being realized by an observing consciousness.

Higher power = yes.

Idea 2.
Theoretical physics is engaged in a constant search for something called the Unification Theory. Essentially they are looking for the key to the Universe, or an all-encompassing theory that will unite everything we know about physics into one single law of existence. This is the basic idea of string theory. The reason that scientists are so eager to find this unification theory, is that the rules that they've derived themselves, are not universally true. The main problem being that quantum theory is completely incompatible with the laws of relativity. (Hawking discusses this debate in his Brief History of Time). Essentially, Quantum mechanics applies to small stuff, and relativity applies to big stuff. Each field is completely factual, and completely incongruent with the other field... Which is a bit of a problem...

But the point in me bringing this up is that this scientific dilemma seems reminiscent of so many theological and doctrinal issues within Christianity, such as free will and Predestination... Two logically incongruent truths, with both being necessarily true for our faith to really work. (In my opinion anyway...)

Many people have cast Christianity aside based on such necessary yet incompatible ideas. Yet no one (that I'm aware of) has thrown modern science out the window based on all of the paradox surrounding it...

Whether it's science or God, it always comes down to a matter of faith. Faith that there is a higher truth beyond all the heresay and second guessing of mankind. So we keep searching for that truth.

Again, I apologize for this messy string of words. There has been no extensive research conducted on my part concerning either quantum mechanics relativity or consciousness. These are simply some random thoughts I had today and decided to jot down. (I also apologize for all the apologies, I just despise ignorant people pretending as if they know of what they speak when they clearly haven't even given a moment's thought to the subject at hand, and here I find myself writing about subjects which I cannot claim to have researched beyond the depth to which a Wikipedia article will take you. But I suppose this is what blogging is all about...)

So don't hate.

Now I'm going to drink some pineapple juice and get back to my homework... bah...

Monday, October 12, 2009

One Single Thought

If Shakespeare was right, and all the world is a stage, and all the men and women players... Then I like to think of philosophy as the study of that which is behind the curtain.

Few people in the audience care very much what goes on behind that curtain, so long as the play goes smoothly, and touches them emotionally at all the right moments, leaving them in the end with some fleeting sense of satisfaction that their money was well spent... What goes on front stage is that which matters most to these people, because it is clear, tangible and easy to understand. Quite unlike the dimly lit, messy and chaotic backstage world... Many would say "I don't care about all the makeup and lighting techniques, I just came here to be entertained..." Most people are only interested in the finished product, preferring to remain in the dark about the many details of production.

People wonder what I find appealing about philosophy. It's not a matter of studying weird mystical ideas for apologetics reasons or even for curiosity's sake... It is because this life that I have in Christ, is the greatest of the many wonderful gifts that God has given to me, and I simply want to understand what that gift really is.

That is how I worship my Creator.

When I pass behind the curtain, into the darkness and confusion of "the backstage world" I see most clearly the complexity and wonder of human life and the divine power and grace that sustains it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Oh he's really lost it this time..."

Yes friends, I'm back to the blog, to once more give voice to my creed of life is meaningless!

So this is what I'm thinking about today...

Perceivable existence is nothing but metaphor and symbolism.

This is the conclusion that I randomly came up with while I was studying for a Calculus test tonight.

For example, math seems to pride itself on being the most fundamental of disciplines, upon which all other scientific studies are based. To explain that statement, it could be said that behind the study of psychology, there are biological principles. But behind those biological principles, there are chemistry principles, and behind those chemical principles are principles of physics. Yet behind physics and everything else is the foundation of mathematics.

Math seems to be what it all boils down to. Yet what is the force and foundation behind math? Math is just a bunch of symbols and figures. But the math itself is not these symbols and figures, it's something far more abstract. It's the rule of the universe, but what IS that? Logic perhaps? More likely logic is simply another form of mathematics...

No, this foundational law of reality is something intangible and unthinkable. Occasionally we choose to label this unknowable force as simply "truth". It makes us sound profound, and also makes us feel better about the unfortunate fact that this alleged "truth" is completely unknown to us, except by the symbols and numbers we use to harness it.

However, contrary to popular belief, providing a label for something in no way implies that we have an understanding of that something. More often it just allows us to toss around lots of meaningless language in our endless attempt to define this thing we call "truth".

It's unknowable. We could all stand to be a little more humble and a little less pretentious in our claims of knowledge. You Christians out there, stop pretending as if you could possibly ever truly know the mind of God. He is an infinite being. You are not. It is as simple as that. Instead, take joy in the fact that God is unknowable. It is our eternal privilege to enjoy this truth of His nature. and it is the nature of God, that is this mysterious metaphysical rule of the Universe which stands behind every other principle. We cannot know this nature, we can only interpret it through symbols and metaphors.

Example: When we say "God is love" or "God is mighty" or "God is good". We run up against the problem that the concepts of love, goodness and strength, are merely symbols of God's nature. Traced back to the derivative meaning, It becomes a redundancy, that goes more like "God is God", or just "God is". Since existence itself derives it's being from God, we cannot accurately ascribe any facet of existence to God without the entire logical progression blowing up in our faces.

It's craziness...

Now I'm kicking myself, because I just wrote a completely aimless blog post, stabbing at so many interesting points... and just threw it out there like so much intellectual vomit... All for the sake of not doing this Calculus homework. Meh...

Philosophy must truly be the deepest form of procrastination ever conceived by man...

And that my friends, is the truth.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love is all ya need...

Love is life.

Love is pain.

Love is the grotesque beauty of a bloody, broken man stuck up on a cross...

Love is a paradox.

Let me know if you ever figure it out.

Happy vamlumtimes day...

Monday, February 2, 2009

random fyi

It seems my recently shut down parkour blog is back up and running...and jumping, and vaulting and climbing... etc...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

dangit. i've gone and lost my identity...

I was sitting at my desk doing calculus problems, and out of the blue, i was suddenly just overwhelmed with horror at the realization that we somehow hold the power to control our own nature.

Some would say that we can't change who we are. But I must believe that we can, if I plan to accept free will as a human possibility.

we can change who we are.
and in fact we do. every conscious decision that a person makes, reshapes him into someone else.

that's terrifying...

What I find to be possibly even more disturbing is this... if who we are, is such a fragile thing that it can be radically altered so easily by a careless decision, then is who we are really anything at all?

As Batman would put it, "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."
At the time, I was far too caught up in the epic-ness of Batman to realize the sobering truth behind this statement. It seems that as humans, (and Batman) our will is most truly the only thing that does define us.

Suddenly the awareness of my own lack of will-power crashes down on me with the force of a thousand snooze buttons being hit all at once...
