Monday, October 12, 2009

One Single Thought

If Shakespeare was right, and all the world is a stage, and all the men and women players... Then I like to think of philosophy as the study of that which is behind the curtain.

Few people in the audience care very much what goes on behind that curtain, so long as the play goes smoothly, and touches them emotionally at all the right moments, leaving them in the end with some fleeting sense of satisfaction that their money was well spent... What goes on front stage is that which matters most to these people, because it is clear, tangible and easy to understand. Quite unlike the dimly lit, messy and chaotic backstage world... Many would say "I don't care about all the makeup and lighting techniques, I just came here to be entertained..." Most people are only interested in the finished product, preferring to remain in the dark about the many details of production.

People wonder what I find appealing about philosophy. It's not a matter of studying weird mystical ideas for apologetics reasons or even for curiosity's sake... It is because this life that I have in Christ, is the greatest of the many wonderful gifts that God has given to me, and I simply want to understand what that gift really is.

That is how I worship my Creator.

When I pass behind the curtain, into the darkness and confusion of "the backstage world" I see most clearly the complexity and wonder of human life and the divine power and grace that sustains it.


Rachel Clayton said...

see, now THAT makes sense.

I just wish I knew where my Aesthetics professor gets off the boat...

Eilonwy said...

Betcha think you're clever.

We're studying philosophy right now. It's pretty depressing. Kind of like both of my lit classes. Actually, everything in history comes off as depressing in certain light. But that's because people are so confused. Anyways. I don't know where that came from, but HI!

traceur4ever said...

What are you studying in philosophy?