Idea 1.
If I ever get a cat I'm going to name it Schrodinger...
The cat's name will be a way for me to ascertain how nerdy a person is, by whether or not they laugh when I tell them the cat's name.
But for the rest of you. This wiki article will give you a preliminary idea as to what I'm talking about... It will also provide you with the knowledge necessary for contending with those nerdy people when they're having their nerdy conversations about things that you don't even want to know about because you have a life.
So here I go...
It occurs to me that this idea of quantum mechanics, which no one, (least of all me) really understands, may provide us with some evidence for the existence of God.
If the cat in the box is truly both dead and alive until the moment of observation, then it seems that the universe must exist under similar conditions, only collapsing into a state of being when an observer makes that quantum measurement.
If the argument can be made that being necessitates conscious awareness, then the Universe could not have come into existence without first being realized by an observing consciousness.
Higher power = yes.
Idea 2.
Theoretical physics is engaged in a constant search for something called the Unification Theory. Essentially they are looking for the key to the Universe, or an all-encompassing theory that will unite everything we know about physics into one single law of existence. This is the basic idea of string theory. The reason that scientists are so eager to find this unification theory, is that the rules that they've derived themselves, are not universally true. The main problem being that quantum theory is completely incompatible with the laws of relativity. (Hawking discusses this debate in his Brief History of Time). Essentially, Quantum mechanics applies to small stuff, and relativity applies to big stuff. Each field is completely factual, and completely incongruent with the other field... Which is a bit of a problem...
But the point in me bringing this up is that this scientific dilemma seems reminiscent of so many theological and doctrinal issues within Christianity, such as free will and Predestination... Two logically incongruent truths, with both being necessarily true for our faith to really work. (In my opinion anyway...)
Many people have cast Christianity aside based on such necessary yet incompatible ideas. Yet no one (that I'm aware of) has thrown modern science out the window based on all of the paradox surrounding it...
Whether it's science or God, it always comes down to a matter of faith. Faith that there is a higher truth beyond all the heresay and second guessing of mankind. So we keep searching for that truth.
Again, I apologize for this messy string of words. There has been no extensive research conducted on my part concerning either quantum mechanics relativity or consciousness. These are simply some random thoughts I had today and decided to jot down. (I also apologize for all the apologies, I just despise ignorant people pretending as if they know of what they speak when they clearly haven't even given a moment's thought to the subject at hand, and here I find myself writing about subjects which I cannot claim to have researched beyond the depth to which a Wikipedia article will take you. But I suppose this is what blogging is all about...)
So don't hate.
Now I'm going to drink some pineapple juice and get back to my homework... bah...
what a nice kitty!
and re-design, I might add.
That new picture at the top is beautiful.
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